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Staff and Volunteer Training
Our one day introduction to alcohol awareness is aimed at participants who have little formal training but whose service users have issues around their alcohol use. The purpose on this course is to provide participants with the ability to support service users to make informed choices about their alcohol use. We also have an in-depth six day Advanced Alcohol Awareness course aimed at people working in the addiction field. The purpose of the course is to increase participants’ knowledge and understanding of alcohol issues, introduce them to theoretical approaches from the CBT family and to offer them skills based on current best practice which will enhance their support of service users.
What Training do GCA provide?
We can deliver on a wide range of alcohol related topics such as:
- Alcohol Effects on the Body
- Alcohol and Behaviour
- Sensible Drinking and Alcohol Units
- How to Work with Employees with an Alcohol Problem
- How to Work with Service Users with an Alcohol Problem
- Alcohol Support Services
- Alcohol Treatment Models
- Withdrawal and Tolerance
- Attitudes towards Alcohol
- Alcohol Related Brain Injury
How long will it take?
The length of time for staff or volunteer training depends on the nature of the training. Services such as SOS Glasgow and Ripple Effect volunteers also benefit from free training with Glasgow Council on Alcohol. Past volunteers have also benefited from COSCA Counselling skills and Alcohol Awareness Courses here. Contact Debbie Young or Neil MaCaulay on 0141 353 1800 for more information.
How much will it cost?
GCA staff benefit from constant training opportunities and Professional Development. Fees for training and development can be discussed with GCA. Volunteers can benefit from free training when they sign up and register with Glasgow Council on Alcohol.
Where does the training take place?
We have a purpose built training room at our Main Office, Claremont Street, Glasgow. It may be possible to run the course in other venues, please contact Neil Macaulay on 0141 353 1800 or email Neil.Macaulay@glasgowcouncilonalcohol.org for more information.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”none”]How do I find ot more?
Contact Irene McKenzie to book a place or Neil Macauley for information on course content on 0141 353 1800 or email training@glasgowcouncilonalcohol.org.
Contact Us
Glasgow Council on Alcohol (GCA)
14 North Claremont Street
G3 7LE
Tel 0141 353 1800[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]