Young Person's Recovery Service

Supporting individuals to achieve positive destinations

Who are we?

The Young Person’s ADRS Recovery Service is a recovery and employability service that aims to support young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are living in Glasgow. Our service consists of Recovery Coaches and Employment Advisors who work 1-1 with young people to support them to achieve positive destinations.

We aim to support
  • 16 – 24 year olds in Glasgow who are open to ADRS
  • 16 – 24 year olds who have a parent, guardian, or carer open to ADRS
  • 16 – 24 year olds in Glasgow who are open to Continuing Care After Care Team
  • Young people in Glasgow who are open to Youth Health Service
Who we support

Our support is person-centered, which allows young people to move at their own pace with the support of their worker. The support we provide is varied, and depends on the individual support needs of each young person that we engage with, but often includes:

  • Support that meets the needs of the young person

  • Promoting recovery

  • Promoting pathways to employment

  • Providing access to training, education, and volunteering opportunities

How to get in touch

If you are a young person who would like to engage with us, or you have a young person that you think would be suitable for our service, you can:

Call us on 0141 353 1800

Young Person's Recovery Service - Referral Form

Participant Details:

Referrer Details: (If applicable)

Referrer Criteria:

Give details please...

I give consent that the Young Person’s Recovery Service may store my submitted information on this form so they can respond to my enquiry.

I give consent for this information to be forwarded to the NHS ADRS and HSCP as partners in this project.

I declare that the information that I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as I know.

I declare that I will promptly inform of any changes to the participants contact details or other circumstances.

I agree that the young person’s recovery service and its partners may share my information for funding purposes.